About me

Full stack developer

👋 My name is Mohamed Birali, a full stack developer.
💻 Coding isn't just a career choice for me; it's a calling. I find joy in crafting elegant solutions to complex challenges, and I'm always eager to learn and grow. 👨‍💻 Collaboration with experienced developers is a source of inspiration for me, and I'm committed to contributing my skills and ideas to make projects successful,
    As I embark on this exciting journey, I'm fueled by the belief that the possibilities in the tech world are limitless, and I'm determined to be a part of the innovation that drives it forward.



Angular starter

The main goal of this project is to save time, create the boilerplate, headless ui-auth and helper services.
It was built on top of Nx workspace, latest version of firebase and angular, following best practices.



All in one project gathers what we need for our internal management, this is good for Startups, freelancers.
Its build with Angular following best practices.


Authentication system

An auhtentication system where an admin and super admin can manage users, and securing endpoint with jwt, password expiration and apiKey, built with NestJs.


Utils app

This project contains our usual utilities and repeated tasks without any backend setup, this was built with: angular, taiga-ui and NX workspace. 
